Why do I want inner peace?

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We’re all on a quest to find that ethereal inner peace that everyone talks about. But what is it? According to the Kentucky Counseling Center, “Inner peace is defined as the state of physical and spiritual calm despite many stressors. To find your peace of mind means finding happiness, contentment, and bliss no matter how hard you go through in life.” We’ve been asking ourselves this for many years. After all the hunting, searching, meditating, scrambling, and sitting still, we discovered that inner peace is not just one thing. It is a culmination of all the calm and positive ways we choose to accept what is in this world. Unfortunately, all the cultural and societal expectations push us into believing that it is out of this world and almost unattainable. Each little decision we make in life will lead us to that inner peace, way of life. So, let’s start today with baby steps. You don’t have to be a Yogi or superhuman. You must be willing to make a change in yourself for the better.

