Be you!

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When it comes to fashion, we are bombarded with all things of things in the media and it’s just getting worse (or maybe better depending on what your view), when it comes to make up, clothing, style, color, trends, etc. My person style is simple, cotton, throw on and go. Is that a style? Probably not, but hey, it’s me!

So, how do we express ourselves without going overboard and looking like we’re really trying too hard? It’s simple, find what makes you, you and go with it. Whether it’s secondhand, hand me downs, haute couture, or anything in between, it’s only going to look good if you feel good in it. I’m not a fashionista, so I think it’s safe to say that this section is going to be referring to a lot of people who have the know how and have a knack for helping you feel comfortable with who you are. Developing a style isn’t easy, but it can be fun! Enjoy!

